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Chi City Bakes

Fall 2024 Community Bake Sale

Baker Sign Up Form

Are you interested in participating as a baker for Chi City Bake's community bake sales?
No, but I'd like to be notified of the next community bake sale
Are you able to bake for Chi City Bake's first community bake sale on October 20, 2024?
Yes, I can bake and attend the event
No, I can only bake for the event but I cannot attend
I can bake, attend, and I can also help sell treats at the bake sale
I cannot participate in this bake sale but would like to be contacted to participate in the next community bake sale
Check any of the boxes below if your treats fit the following descriptions:
Are you able to commit to baking two dozen individually packaged treats valued at approx. $5 each?
Bakers will also be asked to attend a planning meeting (in person and virtual options will be available). Please check any and all dates you are available from the options below:
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